Sunday, December 4, 2011


I sometimes going to competitions.Usually I doing my favorite track and field event: TRIPLE JUMP.

Rarely I did throwing.
In my club there are many children and some adults, it's divide in 2 groups for childs and adults, all the childres think that is a game, but when they grow , they have just realised that they can make big things, thanks to the trainner that make it easy, funny and entertaining...
In my traning always I do every thing for develop all the muscles. Hardy ever I hurt, but sometimes it can be very hard.
One time I turn my ankle and this was very hard. It last more than 2 months and then the reavilitation... 
It was in Seville at winter when I was training triple jump.
But there aremany good news sometimes. I participed in one spain competition for clubes I was 3rd in Nerja, and some competitons in Andalucia... 
Always this sport is good for meet a lot of people, when you are overwhelmed, you go to training and then you are new. I is very funny.